Saturday, 2 April 2011
Brendan: "Here's an image of the cover of Sometime Stories number 2, incredibly rare, it turned up recently and I snapped a picture of it on my camera phone. I hadn't seen it for about 20 years... Brett Ewins now has the original safely locked up in a padded bag in super-secret laser-protected vault.

Although we actually wrote and drew two issues, the first one was the only one published. Then the publisher went out of business. Nothing of the second one was ever seen. Until now."

More info about Sometime Stories here

The Strangeness of Brendan McCarthy: New artwork every Saturday
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Howard L said...

Hi thankss for posting this

Brendan McCarthy is one of Britain's most talented comic book creators and designers. His unique and distinctive style has influenced a generation of artists and writers. He has produced some classic UK graphic novels, written and designed some ground-breaking TV series and worked on many successful Hollywood movies

The Strangeness of Brendan McCarthy site was created in 1999 by John Kirkham and aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the work of Brendan McCarthy. This website is the official fansite and is put together with the cooperation of Brendan. So we will be bringing you the latest news, exclusive artwork and all things McCarthy related
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